Cat Amazing
Cat Amazing Classic Interactive Cat Toy and Puzzle Feeder
ONE DAY Mooky was sitting around, bored. He had plenty of toys to play with, but none of them were challenging enough to occupy a Cat of Immense Brain, such as himself. Suddenly, he had an Ingenious Idea! He would invent a cat toy that would be fun, engaging, and playable over and over again - in short, The Best Cat Toy Ever!Mooky summoned his human lackey Andrey, and they immediately got to work. Progress was slow at first - the lackey was not evolved enough to understand telepathy, and could not even speak Meowth, the Universal Language of Intelligent Beings. Truth be told, Mooky grew more than one grey whisker in trying to get the numbskull to cooperate. Only when Mooky perfected the “you botched my instructions again, you hopeless imbecile?” look, were they finally able to find their stride.
Progress was slow at first - the lackey was not evolved enough to understand telepathy, and could not even speak Meowth, the Universal Language of Intelligent Beings.
Mooky’s inspiration and patience, together with Andrey’s obedience and opposable thumbs, eventually bore fruit. Surrounded by scraps of cardboard, torn papers, and various cutting tools, Andrey held up the result. He studied it, looked over at Mooky, looked back again, and stammered out the first words that came into his head - “Cat...! Amazing...!” Mooky sighed, but decided to humor the dunce. So the name stuck.
Andrey then showed the Cat Amazing to Mooky’s senior lackey, Natalie. At first, he tried to pass the creation off as his own, but Natalie, a much brighter human (she even understands some Meowth), wasn’t fooled. In fact, she pointed out several places where Andrey clearly misunderstood Mooky’s instructions. Andrey made the changes, and in the end, they had the Cat Amazing as it is today. The rest, as they say, is history.
But you can be sure that this is only the beginning, as the crew is already back in the shop, coming up with creative concepts for awesome cat toys! (Well, you know who’s actually coming up with them ; )